Rabbi Sid Schwarz in conversation with Bill Moyers about the future of faith in America
Kol Nidre sermon, "Listening to Angels"
Kol Nidre sermon, “Listening to Angels,” delivered by Rabbi Sid Schwarz at Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation (Bethesda, MD) on October 12, 2024. Watch above or listen below.
Rabbi Sid speaking after Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) at the weekly Free the Hostages rally in front of the Int’l Red Cross headquarters near the White House (April 28,2024)
Kol Nidre sermon, "Longing for Face Time"
Kol Nidre sermon, “Longing for Face Time,” delivered by Rabbi Sid Schwarz at Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation (Bethesda, MD) on September 27, 2020. Watch above or listen below.
Rabbi Sid’s presentation for the Chautauqua Institution’s Interfaith Friday series on Creation in August 2020
Rabbi Sid’s presentation for the Chautauqua Institution’s Interfaith Friday series on Creation in August 2020: “The Creation Story and Humanity’s Homework: A Jewish Take”.
Follow-up dialogue with Bishop Gene Robinson
This video includes a 45 minute, follow-up dialogue with Bishop Gene Robinson, Vice President for Religion at the Chautauqua Institution, on Rabbi Sid’s presentation: “The Creation Story and Humanity’s Homework: A Jewish Take”.
Rabbi Schwarz on Calling & Chutzpah
Rabbi Schwarz on Calling & Chutzpah, an interview that was part of the national ”What’s Your Calling?” project
Covenant Award Recipient Acceptance Speech
Finding the Chosen People in Haiti
Rabbi Sid Schwarz introducing the panel on “Reconstructing Jewish Communities” at the National Reconstructionist Convention, November 16, 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
Religion in the Public Square: Sid Schwarz
”Religion, Social Justice and the Common Good” – Opening Plenary for Clergy Beyond Borders Conference, Washington, D.C., December 2009
A Jewish Conversation on Social Justice
Rabbi Sid on Tzdedek (justice) and Kedusha (sacred purpose)
Rabbi Sid Schwarz keynote to the kickoff of the Black-Jewish Coalition for Justice
Rabbi Sid Schwarz keynote to the kickoff of the Black-Jewish Coalition for Justice, a clergy initiative with rabbis and ministers from the greater New York metropolitan area.